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Friday 22 July
- Pyjama Day Fundraiser - Vinnies Winter Appeal
- Archdiocesan Basketball - Tuggeranong CANCELLED
- Social Justice Liturgy at 10.30am
Monday 25 July
- Musical Full Dress Rehearsal
Tuesday 26 July
- Musical Full Dress Rehearsal
Wednesday 27 July
- School Photos
- Boys Rugby 7's CANCELLED
- Musical Full Dress Rehearsal
Thursday 28 July
- School Photos
- Musical - 6.30pm
Friday 29 July
- Musical - 6.30pm
Saturday 30 July
- Musical - 1.00pm
- Musical - 6.30pm
Monday 1 August
- PASS Excursion - Canberra CANCELLED
Tuesday 2 August
- Trial HSC commences - English Studies, Standard and Advanced (9am)
Wednesday 3 August
- Trial HSC - English Standard and Advanced (9am)
- NAIDOC Mass Venue: OLOF at 10am CANCELLED
Thursday 4 August
- Trial HSC - SORI and SORII (9am)
Friday 5 August
- Trial HSC - Business Studies (9am) and Chemistry (1.30pm)
- MacKillop House Mass 10.30am
- Southern Tablelands Science and Engineering Challenge
Dear Parents and Caregivers
It has long been established that regular exercise is beneficial for our physical health. Exercise is an essential part of sustaining good mental health. Saturday sport and opportunities to represent the school at sporting events has always been a feature of the Trinity sport program. Regular physical regular physical activity is shown to have a positive impact on learning, attention, sleep, emotional regulation, self-esteem, memory and problem-solving, and is proven to be a pro-active strategy against future mental health issues. Here are some facts about exercising and your mind:
- Lack of exercise has been linked with obesity, heart disease and cancer.
- Regular exercise has been shown to improve, confidence, motivation levels and sleep
- Exercise can help with issues such as anger management and the regulation of stress.
- People who engage in regular exercise have a more positive mindset than those who do not.
- Exercise has been shown to have a positive impact on self-esteem.
- Exercising regularly can help with sleep-related problems such as insomnia.
- Exercise stimulates the production of endorphins and serotonin, known as the ‘feel good hormones’ which help us handle stress and solve problems.
- People who engage in high levels of physical activity can reduce the risk of having depression later in life.
If your child is not participating in regular sport, please encourage them to participate in our Saturday winter sports program which includes Netball and Rugby Union. Not only is it good for their physical health, it is also beneficial for their mental health.
A College uniform and how students wear it says much about what a school may value. When a family completes an application for enrolment of their child at Trinity Catholic College, it means that they are choosing a Catholic education for their child. It requires a commitment to support the philosophy, values and aims of Trinity and a willingness to cooperate in their implementation. Specifically it means:
- Religious Education is a core subject including participation in prayer and liturgy
- Catholic values are emphasised
- Academic excellence and the acquisition of skills are promoted within a Catholic framework.
The students are expected to adhere to Trinity Catholic College’s standards for:
- behaviour, dress and self-discipline
- application to learning and study
- participation in school activities
Parent cooperation is essential to assist their child attain these goals. Parents are expected to support their children and the College in ensuring their children are adhering to the College standards for behaviour, dress and self-discipline. Parents are expected to participate in the total life of the school including: parent/teacher nights, school and parish liturgies, activities of the Community Council as well as participating in their child’s sporting life at the College. It takes a community to build a community.
We beat the weather and were able to complete all events for the Cross Country Carnival a few weeks ago. Thank you to Sophie Broadhead for her coordination of this event and to staff and students for their involvement and participation.
Don’t forget daylight savings ends this weekend…enjoy.
Yours in faith, strength and unity
Gaye McManus
A Lenten Liturgy
When loved ones experience pain and suffering…
Remind us that your love is with us
When doubts arise and confusion fills our minds…
Remind us that your love is with us
When others fail us or refuse to forgive us for our failings…
Remind us that your love is with us
When we stumble and stray from the path of goodness…
Remind us that your love is with us
When things do not go the way we planned...
Remind us that your love is with us
When depression and loneliness return again and again…
Remind us that your love is with us
When the peace of Christ calms our anxiety and softens our sadness...
Remind us that your love is with us
Want to know about the latest apps, games and social media that your child is using?
The eSafety Guide includes important advice about their safety features, including how to use settings to report online abuse and protect personal information.
Unfortunately our Rescheduled Welcome BBQ has been cancelled. We apologise for any inconvienience.
Project Compassion Bake Sale for Ukraine - Thursday 7 April
We will be seeking donations of baked goods for a bake sale at recess on Thursday 7 April in the Red Hall. All funds raised from this event will go directly to the Caritas Ukraine Appeal to support communities who have been impacted by conflict in the Ukraine.
Individually portioned items would be preferable (please pre-cut cakes and slices). Donation suggestions include: doughnuts, muffins, cupcakes, biscuits, cookies, cakes, slices, brownies. These can be store bought or homemade but please ensure an ingredient list accompanies all donations. Please avoid items with nuts.
Here are some ways the funds raised may be distributed:
$65 can provide two basic hygiene kits for a family
$155 can provide a social worker for a week to support displaced families
$375 can provide a month of transitional housing in a neighbouring country for somebody who has had to flee their home
$1000 can provide two days of emergency food and water provisions at a collection centre for displaced families
Individual online donations may also be made at:
Ukraine Appeal | Caritas Australia Caritas Australia acknowledges the traditional owners and custodians of the land, past and present, on which all our offices are located. Caritas Australia is the international aid and development organisation of the Catholic Church in Australia. |
As a result of the recent severe weather in many parts of NSW, some mosquito-borne illnesses have begun to appear in areas of the state. There has been advice recently about cases of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) in commercial piggeries in locations in NSW. NSW Health has advised:
- local infection risks are likely highest among people working at and/or living close to piggeries which have tested positive for JEV and people who engage in outdoor activities (e.g., camping, fishing, hiking) near significant mosquito populations, particularly near waterways
- the mosquitoes that transmit JEV are most active at dawn and dusk and into the evening.
As a community, we should be aware of mosquito bite preventative measures we can take to prevent JEV and other mosquito-borne diseases:
- Cover-up with a loose-fitting long-sleeved shirt and long pants when outside.
- Apply mosquito repellent to exposed skin.
- Take special care during peak mosquito biting hours, especially around dawn and dusk.
- Remove potential mosquito breeding sites from around the home and screen windows and doors.
- Take extra precautions when travelling or camping in areas with a higher risk of mosquito-borne diseases.
For more information refer to NSW Health's fact sheets Mosquitoes are a health hazard fact sheet and Japanese encephalitis fact sheet as linked below.
NSW Health's Mosquitoes are a health hazard fact sheet and Japanese encephalitis fact sheet
The College should be notified of any foreseen student leave. An Application for Exemption Form is available from the College Office and is required to be completed by parents/carers and returned to the College at least 10 school days prior to any leave. Leave or travel over 10 days requires a different form; please contact Reception. If, during the period of leave, your child has assessments due they should also complete the Notification of Planned Absence form which is in the appendix of their student assessment handbook.
When your child needs to leave School early, please make sure they complete the following steps:
1. A written note signed from their parent/carer. This note can be made in the Student diary on the day of the planned absence, or on a separate piece of paper.
2. The student then takes the note to Homeroom and asks their Homeroom teachers to sign it.
3. The note must also be signed by a House Coordinator.
4. The student comes to the front office with their signed note.
5. Front office staff assist student to sign out.
6. Students wait for parent/carer to collect them.
Please note, parent or carer MUST present to the Office to collect student.
We love to hear about our students' achievements, so please feel free to send through any information about your child's achievements to by Tuesday of each week. We look forward to hearing from you! Also, be sure to visit our facebook site!