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Friday 22 July
- Pyjama Day Fundraiser - Vinnies Winter Appeal
- Archdiocesan Basketball - Tuggeranong CANCELLED
- Social Justice Liturgy at 10.30am
Monday 25 July
- Musical Full Dress Rehearsal
Tuesday 26 July
- Musical Full Dress Rehearsal
Wednesday 27 July
- School Photos
- Boys Rugby 7's CANCELLED
- Musical Full Dress Rehearsal
Thursday 28 July
- School Photos
- Musical - 6.30pm
Friday 29 July
- Musical - 6.30pm
Saturday 30 July
- Musical - 1.00pm
- Musical - 6.30pm
Monday 1 August
- PASS Excursion - Canberra CANCELLED
Tuesday 2 August
- Trial HSC commences - English Studies, Standard and Advanced (9am)
Wednesday 3 August
- Trial HSC - English Standard and Advanced (9am)
- NAIDOC Mass Venue: OLOF at 10am CANCELLED
Thursday 4 August
- Trial HSC - SORI and SORII (9am)
Friday 5 August
- Trial HSC - Business Studies (9am) and Chemistry (1.30pm)
- MacKillop House Mass 10.30am
- Southern Tablelands Science and Engineering Challenge
We are accepting Enrolments for 2023!
Enrol online:
or contact the College office for an Enrolment Pack on 4821 3600
Last week saw a mixed bag for the Club with wins to the 14's girls, 15's boys and the 1st XV. Losses to the 13's, 14's, 16's boys and the 16's girls. As a result of winning at home, the 14s girls have the honour of holding the 'Trinity Cup' for this week and aren't they letting the other teams know about it! The Trinity Cup is a new innovation from Mr Bill Barker this season and is fought for within our Club between the teams. The team who keeps winning at home keeps the Cup; the 14's girls have no intention of relinquishing it!
This week will see four home games (depending on circumstances), with the 14's girls kicking off at 10:30am against Dara. The U14 and U15 boys play at 11:30am, with the 1st XV battling it out against the old foe, Marist, at 1:45pm. The 16's girls and 13's boys play away, with the 16's boys not having a game this weekend. Please keep an eye on the Club's facebook page in case times change suddenly.
Congratulations to a host of players who have been selected in the South Coast Monaro rep teams - the 13s boys who were selected are shown in the photo - well done to Izaiah, Jack, Travis and Thomas. The Club was well represented at the trials this season and well done to all those who tried out. We also have players trialling for the Brumbies squads, as well as having two coaches assisting with the SCM rep teams.
Our U16's girls captain, Emma Page is at CCC camp this weekend. A big congratulations to Emma also for being a CCC rep. Emma has consistently tried out for, and been selected in, various rep teams over the past few years, and it is an honour for her in her last year at Trinity to be again selected for representative honours.
We are still fundraising for the flood affected Lismore Rugby club. It would be great if all those who attend the weekend's games could bring a gold coin as a donation to the fundraiser.
This week's trivia question: What year is painted on the sign at the Wexted Oval grandstand?
Oom Chika Boom!
Trinity CC Junior Rugby Union Club
Improving Motivation
It is normal for everyone to experience a lack of motivation, and we are all guilty of procrastination and it can be hard to juggle day-to-day tasks on top of taking care of ourselves and others. For teenagers, lack of motivation is extremely common, especially given the busy lives they lead both in and out of school. While ultimately it is up to an individual to choose to complete tasks, there are ways we can support them to stop procrastinating and start doing.
What is motivation and why is it important?
Motivation is a feeling that helps people to complete tasks. Procrastination is the act of putting off certain tasks and is a result of low motivation. It is important to remember that no one feels motivated all the time and expecting yourself or someone else to be is unrealistic. Being motivated helps us to achieve goals and feel accomplished, and when we have low motivation, we can feel stressed and disorganised.
Tips to improve motivation
Below are some handy tips to help your teen (or yourself) find motivation.
- 5-minute rule: This is a simple idea about starting small and seeing where it goes. For certain tasks, there will never be a time when you feel like doing it, so waiting for this can result in it not being done at all. The 5-minute rule means that you sit down and start the task for 5 minutes. More often than not, once you begin, you will continue for longer than 5 minutes and you will find your rhythm. This can be an easy way to simply get something started.
- Set goals: A useful way to gain motivation is to set goals that are achievable. Many teens find it easier if these goals are made tangible, so it’s a good idea to write the goals out on a poster or create a list with your teen where they can check items off as they go. Once a goal is achieved, a sense of accomplishment occurs, and motivation rises. Remember: keep the goals manageable and aim small to start.
- Keep up a routine: Routines and organisation are useful when avoiding procrastination. Try to have a set out routine that you design with your teen and allow for breaks, self-care and free time to avoid burnout and stress.
- Be aware of how you communicate with your teen: For example, saying “if you don’t do this now you will fail the assessment” is a form of negative motivation, which may work but can cause stress and pressure that your teen may already be dealing with. Instead, try saying something encouraging such as “once you finish this you are one step closer to the end and you will feel so much better”. This is an example of positive motivation.
Check out these videos for further information on motivation:
Try these interactive resources from Headspace with your teen for more tips:
Procrastination | headspace interactive activity
Kimmy Murchie
Student & Family Counsellor
The College should be notified of any foreseen student leave. An Application for Exemption Form is available from the College Office and is required to be completed by parents/carers and returned to the College at least 10 school days prior to any leave. Leave or travel over 10 days requires a different form; please contact Reception. If, during the period of leave, your child has assessments due they should also complete the Notification of Planned Absence form which is in the appendix of their student assessment handbook.
When your child needs to leave School early, please make sure they complete the following steps:
1. A written note signed from their parent/carer. This note can be made in the Student diary on the day of the planned absence, or on a separate piece of paper.
2. The student then takes the note to Homeroom and asks their Homeroom teachers to sign it.
3. The note must also be signed by a House Coordinator.
4. The student comes to the front office with their signed note.
5. Front office staff assist student to sign out.
6. Students wait for parent/carer to collect them.
Please note, parent or carer MUST present to the Office to collect student.
We love to hear about our students' achievements, so please feel free to send through any information about your child's achievements to by Tuesday of each week. We look forward to hearing from you! Also, be sure to visit our facebook site!