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Friday 22 July
- Pyjama Day Fundraiser - Vinnies Winter Appeal
- Archdiocesan Basketball - Tuggeranong CANCELLED
- Social Justice Liturgy at 10.30am
Monday 25 July
- Musical Full Dress Rehearsal
Tuesday 26 July
- Musical Full Dress Rehearsal
Wednesday 27 July
- School Photos
- Boys Rugby 7's CANCELLED
- Musical Full Dress Rehearsal
Thursday 28 July
- School Photos
- Musical - 6.30pm
Friday 29 July
- Musical - 6.30pm
Saturday 30 July
- Musical - 1.00pm
- Musical - 6.30pm
Monday 1 August
- PASS Excursion - Canberra CANCELLED
Tuesday 2 August
- Trial HSC commences - English Studies, Standard and Advanced (9am)
Wednesday 3 August
- Trial HSC - English Standard and Advanced (9am)
- NAIDOC Mass Venue: OLOF at 10am CANCELLED
Thursday 4 August
- Trial HSC - SORI and SORII (9am)
Friday 5 August
- Trial HSC - Business Studies (9am) and Chemistry (1.30pm)
- MacKillop House Mass 10.30am
- Southern Tablelands Science and Engineering Challenge
Monday 18 October - Year 12 return to the College
Monday 25 October - Years 7 - 11 return to the College
If students are displaying flu-like symptoms at school, parents will be required to collect their child from school and have a COVID test. If students are unwell, they must remain at home. Please continue to inform the school via phone if your child tests positive for COVID.
Trinity Catholic College is partnering with Catholic Mission by participating in Socktober.
We invite students to connect with young people experiencing challenges in the developing world through education and the world game of soccer.
Catholic Mission uses a Head-Heart-Hands approach to promote social justice and Catholic Social Teachings:
We use our Head to learn and think about others in our world.This year, our collective fundraising efforts will support vulnerable children in Thailand through a kindergarten run by the Good Shepherd Sisters in Bangkok. The kindergarten provides a caring learning environment for the children and allows their parents, often single mothers, to work and support the family.
$35 can help towards the cost of school supplies for a child for one year.
$102 can help towards the meals and snacks for one child at the kindergarten for a year.
$300 can help purchase milk for all the children at the kindergarten for two weeks.
$1500 could purchase one school uniform each for all 59 girls at the kindergarten for one year.Together, we can make a difference in the lives of children less fortunate than ourselves.
We are accepting Enrolments for 2023!
Enrol online:
or contact the College office for an Enrolment Pack on 4821 3600
Final week of online Maths Help sessions will be held on the following days:
- Every Friday for all students.
- Every Wednesday for seniors.
Both sessions will be held from 8.00am
Please use the following link to join the sessions:
Personalised 1-1 consultations for parents will be hosted on 23 November and 14 December. This is an opportunity for parents to get their UTS questions answered on topics such as course content, admission requirements, student life, and more.
The College should be notified of any foreseen student leave. An Application for Exemption Form is available from the College Office and is required to be completed by parents/carers and returned to the College at least 10 school days prior to any leave. Leave or travel over 10 days requires a different form; please contact Reception. If, during the period of leave, your child has assessments due they should also complete the Notification of Planned Absence form which is in the appendix of their student assessment handbook.
When your child needs to leave School early, please make sure they complete the following steps:
1. A written note signed from their parent/carer. This note can be made in the Student diary on the day of the planned absence, or on a separate piece of paper.
2. The student then takes the note to Homeroom and asks their Homeroom teachers to sign it.
3. The note must also be signed by a House Coordinator.
4. The student comes to the front office with their signed note.
5. Front office staff assist student to sign out.
6. Students wait for parent/carer to collect them.
Please note, parent or carer MUST present to the Office to collect student.
We love to hear about our students' achievements, so please feel free to send through any information about your child's achievements to by Tuesday of each week. We look forward to hearing from you! Also, be sure to visit our facebook site!