Community Council

The College Community Council provides the opportunity for members of the College, Parish and Archdiocesan community to support the mission of Catholic education. Working with the Principal and staff, the Community Council members meet each term to provide leadership to the College community.

The Community Council has a decision-making role in certain policy areas and an advisory role in others. The policies of the College are always set within the wider mission of Catholic education. In the areas where it has responsibility for the development and monitoring of policy the Community Council operates within the policy and procedures determined by the Catholic Education Commission and the Catholic Education Office.

Membership of the Council includes:

Parish Priest Fr Michael Lim (ex-officio)
Principal Mrs Gaye McManus (ex-officio)
Chairperson Mrs Angela Remington
Vice Chairperson Mrs Jade Marks
Treasurer Mr Mark Carroll
Parent Representative Mr Rob Cole
Ms Anna Kemp
Executive Representative Ms Lauren Shinfield
Staff Representative Mrs Lorna Sheekey
Mr Jordan Sykes
Mr Jarrod Twaddell
Secretary Mrs Rachel Cosgrove (non-voting)